Surat berantai khurafat fitnah “Sheikh Ahmad”
oleh:Asyraf Wajdi(majalah DAKWAH, Mei 1978)
Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978 mengesahkan surat ini ditulis oleh paderi-paderi biara Blessings of St Antonio, Texas, USA pada tahun 1974/75 untuk mengelirukan umat Islam. Penulis asal surat ini ialah mendiang Father Francis Jose de Villa, seorang paderi Katolik dari Argentina berketurunan Arab-Syria (bekas penganut Islam, nama asalnya Mohamed Elias Skanbeg). Dia pernah bertugas di Instituto Sacristo Convocione Reliogioso di Brindisi, Itali sebagai mubaligh katolik antara tahun 1966-1968 di bawah Cardinal Agostino Casaroli. Father de Villa meninggal dunia pada tahun 1980 di Texas dalam usia 54 tahun. Menurut Allahyarham Sayyed Mohamed Raisuddin Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy, penjaga makam Rasulullah SAW di Madinah antara tahun 1967-hingga 1979, tidak ada penjaga makam bernama Sheik Ahmad antara tahun 1881 hingga 1979. Penjaga makam di Madinah ialah: Sayyed Turki Abu Mohamed Abdul Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1881-meninggal dunia 1932), anaknya Sayyed Hashim Abu Faisal Abdul Jalil Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1932-meninggal dunia 1934), adiknya Sayyed Abdul Karim Mutawwi Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisy (1934-bersara 1966) dan anak saudaranya Sayyed Mohamed Raisuddin bin Mohamed bin Abdul Razaque Al-Hashimi Al-Quraisyi (1967-meninggal dunia 1979). Bekas menteri besar Perak Allahyarham Tan Sri Mohamed Ghazali Jawi bertaubat dan mengucap kalimah syahadat sekali lagi di hadapan Kadi Daerah Kinta pada tahun 1976 setelah beliau mengaku pernah menerima dan mengirim surat ini kepada dua puluh orang kawannya. Peristiwa ini berlaku tidak lama sebelum beliau meninggal dunia. Bekas Kadi Daerah Kinta meminta beliau mengucap semula kerana bimbang beliau telah gugur syahadah (murtad). Allahyarham Datuk Shafawi Mufti Selangor mengisytiharkan bagi pihak Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan bahawa barang siapa dengan sengaja menyebarkan risalah ini adalah “melakukan syirik dan tidak mustahil jatuh murtad melainkan dia bertaubat dan menarik balik perbuatannya itu terhadap sesiapa yang telahpun dikirimkan risalah ini”. (Surat Keputusan Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan Malaysia Bil. 7/78/I). Keputusan ini diiktiraf oleh Majlis Raja-raja Melayu dalam mesyuaratnya diPekan pada 16 Oktober 1978, dipengerusikan oleh Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah, Perak.
Menurut Majlis Fatwa Kebangsaan 1978, menyebar surat ini “termasuk dalam menyekutukan Allah S.W.T. dengan syirik yang amat besar (shirk-i-kubra) serta mempermainkan Rasulullah S.A.W. serta menyebar dengan niat tidak baik kekeliruan dan muslihat di kalangan umat Islam.”. Lagipun,”surat ini menggambarkan pembohongan yang amat besar terhadap junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. serta ajaran baginda kerana menggambarkan SHEIK AHMAD sebagai perawi hadith sesudah kewafatan baginda”. Allahyarham Datuk Sheik-ul-Islam Mufti Kedah dalam Risalat Al-Aman 1983/Bil 8, surat ini “paling kurang menimbulkan syirik kecil dan murtad secara tidak sengaja terkeluar dari Islam, serta syirik yang besar jika sengaja maka taubatnya tidak sah melainkan dibuat dengan sesungguhnya. Adapun jika seseorang itu menyalin surat ini kepada umat Islam lain, jatuhlah hukum ke atasnya mentablighkan perkara syirik dan khurafat. Sesungguhnya ulamak sependapat perbuatan itu sungguh besar syiriknya dan boleh mengakibatkan murtad walaupun tanpa sadar si-pengirim”. nie la contoh emel berantai lak…isi kandungan nyer sama je ngan surat berantai.
—–Original Message—– From: [ <, , Azm
Subject: Fwd: can you forward this on in your mailing list please
Assalamu Alaikum This is a letter from Saudi Arabia and addressed to all the Muslims. These are the words of Sheik Ahmed, the watchman of the Prophet Muhammad’s mosque (PBUH). On Friday night after reciting the Holy Quran, Sheik Ahmed slept and saw the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in his dream. The Prophet (PBUH) said to him, “Sheik Ahmed, this Friday about six thousand 6,000) people died, but none of them went to heaven. The women do not follow what their husbands tell them anymore. The believers who have money do not help the poor. People do not perform their pilgrimage as it is prescribed. The Muslims do not say their prayers regularly, let alone how it is supposed to be.” Sheik Ahmed, tell the Muslims that this letter comes from you. They are to produce more copies of this letter and give to other Muslims so that it can spread and get to all the Muslims in this world. Anyone who produces this and spreads it to other Muslims will see it indeed (will see the REWARD).
The Prophet (PBUH) will count such a person to Paradise along with his children. The Muslim who receives this letter and refuses to disperse it among other Muslims will not see benediction INSHALLAH). Those who are indebted must write. Allah in his infinite mercies will send help to pay his debt. I, Sheik Ahmed, if what I said is a lie, May the Prophet (PBUH) not send his divine benediction to me. Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, You must follow the religion the way the Prophet (PBUH) honored it, like the divine revelation it is. Ask for forgiveness, fast every Monday. Produce twenty (20) copies of this letter and spread it to all Muslims. Anyone who does this until all Muslims get a copy, Will INSHALLAH, see the opening of the Prophet’s (PBUH) desires and success will follow. He will see the things he had never seen before.
This is not a letter to be kept. This letter must be dispersed in large quantities. A man called Klavern, got this letter and gave it to his secretary to produce twenty (20) copies and disperse them. After some days, he saw many doors of opportunities opening up for him. Another person named Abdul-Salam got it and forgot it in the drawer of his office, and after a certain time he lost his job. He later remembered the letter and went and produced twenty (20) copies which were distributed and within five (5) days he got employed and is in a higher position than what he had before. Another man called Balemanthan received it and he thought it was something useless and treated it without respect or courtesy. He tore the letter and within nine (9) days he died. I am appealing to anyone who comes across this letter to kindly circulate it in large volume.