Take your inspiration to new heights: Create beautiful, sophisticated animations and effects
more effectively than ever with Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional. Whether you design
from scratch or jump-start projects from any of the hundreds of customizable templates
and presets, the latest version of After Effects lets you exceed expectations with less effort.
Use innovative new features like Shape Layers, the Puppet tool, Brainstorm, and Clip Notes
to design, animate, and review with greater creative freedom.
After Effects is available as a standalone product, or as a component of Adobe Creative Suite®
3 Production Premium and Master Collection software. Eliminate rerendering and move
easily between After Effects, Adobe Premiere® Pro CS3 and Encore® CS3 software using
Adobe Dynamic Link, part of Production Premium. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Production
Premium is a complete digital video production solution in which Adobe After Effects CS3
provides the ability to generate animations and composites of all kinds, from stylized
motion graphics to realistic visual effects. Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection
combines the powerful components of Production Premium with those of Creative Suite 3
Design Premium and Web Premium.
Whether you are a motion graphics designer, visual effects artist, video editor, or a designer
of rich media for the web, Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional lets you:
Innovate visually—Unleash your creative vision with responsive controls and amazing
effects. Animate freely and with even more flexibility using new Shape Layers and the new
Puppet tool. Use the new Brainstorm interface to naturally evolve animation variations
based on parameters you choose.
Maximize your time—Deliver your best work on schedule. The intuitive interface in Adobe
After Effects CS3 Professional lets you accomplish even the most complex tasks faster while
keeping you focused on your vision. Enhanced multi-core and multi-processor support
enables faster renders; powerful integration allows you to move quickly and efficiently
between After Effects and Adobe Photoshop® CS3 Extended, Adobe Premiere Pro CS3,
Adobe Flash® CS3 Professional, Adobe Illustrator® CS3, and Adobe Encore CS3.
Design for tomorrow, today—Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional delivers on tomorrow’s
challenges today, with flexible tools that anticipate the future of design and animation.
Work with tools that enable you to deliver professional results on virtually any type of
media. Create QuickTime and Flash video for the web and work with a wide range of
formats from HDV to OpenEXR, H.264, and Camera Raw. Ensure output quality for an
array of supported mobile devices. After Effects is available for Intel and Power PC Mac, or
for Microsoft® Windows® XP and Windows Vista™.
Top ten features
• Shape Layers
• Puppet tool
• Photoshop integration
• Integration with Adobe Flash CS3
• Per-character 3D text animation
• Brainstorm
• Complete color management
• Adobe Clip Notes
• Enhanced performance
• Video for mobile devices
Available for users only
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